One Last Java For The Script

21 Jan 2021

First Java For The Script

    I've had my fair share in working with many different forms of programming language. I remember when my first experience with any programming language, it was c# in my EE150 class. I remember thinking this is so cool I get to finally write code and I get to see what’s behind the scenes of the computer. I didn't fair to well in that classes. I was absolutely not prepared mentally and with time management. I wish back then I knew just how much time it takes and the moments where you kept getting a compilation error and hours later only to find out your greater than in your "if" statement actually needed to be a less than operator. I didn't give up and pressed forward eventually getting an "A" in the class.

    Since that first experience, I’ve moved on from c# expecting that was the only language that computers know. Boy was I so very very wrong. That was a mistake on my part thinking that c# was the only language out there. It made it harder for myself to accept and do other programming languages. The next programming language I encountered was c (just c not nothing after). That was an interesting language. Considering I came from c# I thought compiling was just a single push of a button and codeblocks would compile and run your code for you. not for c, well at least not the way I was taught how to do it. That was a nightmare. Everything I looked up online was specific to my question and it made it that much hard. However, I pressed on.

    Next language I encountered was Java. Now we're talking. it was easy to understand except the fact that printf wasn't printf it was system.out and so forth, however, I had a really great professor to show us the basics first and it just went from there.

    Now JavaScript, it isn't a bad language to know, in fact it's quite the opposite. I love the fact I don't have to label my variable int, double, char, string, and so forth. It’s so intuitive that it just knows, pairing it with JSFiddle take it up a notch in terms of ease of use. and how I no longer have to type in gcc or g++ to compile or link, its automatic. Javascript compared to other languages is much easier, the creators definitely had the user in mind when creating the language.

Second Java For The Script

    I've always been a person that stays cool, calm, and collected on the outside when under pressure, but on the inside, I’m freaking out like there is no tomorrow. I tend to work best when working under pressure, especially if there is no going around the situation. If I know the only way out is through and I'm gonna walk in there with my head held high and finish what needs to be finished. The ASE (Athletic Software Engineering) environment is for the most part I like. I believe that with practice you get better. My biggest take away from ASE is setting aside two to three hours a day specifically for the class. I found that to be truly help. I also like the method to the practice of the WOD.

    I start my timer and get started on working. I find myself definitely doing the trials more than once and I noticed that in the first trial I spend most of my time thinking about how I’m going to approach the problem, the first half of my second trial I continue to work out the plan of attack in my head and the second half of the second trial I’m starting to implement it. Before I start the third trial, I would delete all my code and start from scratch again on the third trial. When I feel like I’m truly stuck for more than 20 minutes only then will I look at the solutions and when looking at the solution I tend to skip to the part where I got stuck on or on the part I could figure out. After watching the solution video, I would do one or more trials until i can get myself down to the acceptable time. I would then give it a day or a few hours and run another trial to see if my mind has retained the information.

    On the flip side of the ASE environment. The in-class WOD is too short of a time, considering we are first trying to digest and work out a plan on how to accomplish that particular WOD, which for me usually takes about 20 minutes to come up with an idea. The time given doesn't really account for that or for the fact that unforeseen issues may arise during coding and if you miss it no credit. There are definitely some things I really like about ASE and definitely somethings I feel might need to be adjusted, more on the time aspect of the in-class WOD, I can still get on board on all or nothing but more time to work out the WOD in class would be most ideal.

    Overall, I’m quite happy and truly feel that the ASE environment will work for me in the long run. Just gotta treat it like a Nike commercial and "Just Do It!".

Last Java For The Script

    My initial thoughts prior to learning JavaScript was "awesome! I can finally help my sister build her website when the time comes for her newly emerging business". Not quite there yet but I’m sure I will. My first experience in building anything on the web is the "Professional Persona" module. Where we were asked to create an online presence using github. I had a lot of fun getting instant satisfaction seeing just a empty hollow page and slowly building up to a Professional Online Resume. Using freeCodeCamp to learn the initial and basic on how to code and navigate around the language you notice that majority of the process is similar to the other such as java, C, C#, C++, Arduino, and Matlab in terms of mathematical calculations.

    Other similarities I noticed was with the loops. Having already acquired those skills I was able to complete the Basic JavaScript section. However, it is always nice to get a refresher or even strengthen your knowledge on areas you aren’t to knowledgeable in for me for example are arrays.

    ES6 was a nice touch it went through the differences between var, const, and let are and many other skills that might be useful or will be useful to your future in JavaScript.

One Last Java For The Script

    One last java for the script, I truly think JavaScript is a nice programming language, definitely a useful one at that. Based on my experience with JavaScript, it seems to be a very solid language to use just as I mentioned above.

    In the end we live in a society of 7.8 billion people, it is almost a guarantee that a good portion of programmers would not like to use JavaScript and a good portion would want to use it. To me I believe it’s how you are taught or introduced to the language that will dictate if a person will love it or will hate the language. It's all relative and a matter of perception. As with any language go into it with an open mind and try to find the fun in it no matter how small because that small fun might just be the spark you were looking for.